This article has been copublished in the November 24, 2009, issue of Circulation.Copies: This document is available on the World Wide Web sites of theAmerican College of Cardiology (www.acc.org) and the American Heart Asso-ciation (my.americanheart.org). For copies of this document, please contact theElsevier Inc Reprint Department, fax (212) 633-3820, e-mail reprints@elsevier.com.
It is essential that the medical profession play a significantrole in critically evaluating the use of diagnostic proceduresand therapies as they are introduced and tested in thedetection, management, or prevention of disease states.Rigorous and expert **ysis of the available data docu-menting absolute and relative benefits and risks of thoseprocedures and therapies can produce helpful guidelinesthat improve the effectiveness of care, optimize patientoutcomes, and favorably affect the overall cost of care byfocusing resources on the most effective strategies. Theproduction of clinical practice guidelines can provide afoundation for a variety of other applications such asperformance measures, appropriateness use criteria, clinicaldecision support tools, and quality improvement tools.