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您所在的位置:首頁 > 精神科診療指南 > 2004VADoD創(chuàng)傷后應激障礙管理臨床實踐指南


2014-05-27 16:59 閱讀:3705 來源:愛愛醫(yī) 責任編輯:張子玲
[導讀] The goal of this Guideline project was to create an algorithm to aid field personnel and health care workers inidentifying, assessing, and/or treating military men and women and veterans who have survived traumaticevents.


    PTSD is, itself, only part of a spectrum of traumatic stress disorders, hence this Clinical Practice Guideline forthe Management of Post-traumatic Stress. These disorders can be arranged along a temporal axis from AcuteStress Reaction, to Acute Stress Disorder, Acute PTSD, and Chronic PTSD.


    The goal of this Guideline project was to create an algorithm to aid field personnel and health care workers inidentifying, assessing, and/or treating military men and women and veterans who have survived traumaticevents. This Guideline is unique in that it offers a decision tree for prevention, assessment, and treatment withfull annotation across a broad range of posttraumatic disorders. It was designed by and for mental healthproviders, primary care clinicians, chaplains, pharmacists, and other professionals to be comprehensive andevidenced-based but still accessible and practical: an educational tool **ogous to textbooks and journals but ina more user-friendly format. Clinical Practice Guidelines offer a solution to inefficiency and inappropriatevariation in care; however, Guidelines must always be applied in the context of a provider's clinical judgmentfor the care of a particular patient. This Clinical Practice Guideline is meant to ***rm and support clinicianswithout constraining them.






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